Peninsula Led Projects
The Peninsula has been the base for many community improvement projects over the years, with the main goal being to directly to implement the Corridor Master Plan that was written in conjunction with Auburn University in 2017.
The direct aim of this plan is to improve public infrastructure in the community, mitigate localized flooding in neighborhoods, and reduce coastal erosion through the addition of breakwaters on the Western Shores of Mobile Bay! The new Low Impact Development techniques will help to beautify streetscapes of this largely underserved area.
Learn more about The Peninsula of Mobile's Corridor Master Plan here.

Since the group’s formation in 2013, many projects small and large have been completed. Here are few highlights.

New sidewalk connections have been made due to two Transportation Assistance grants applied for and received by the Peninsula of Mobile and the City of Mobile.
Creative reuse of 1940’s table sets from Doyle Park destined for destruction saw to it eight sets are now in use at waterfront parks around Perch Creek.
Thanks to the cooperation of Bay Furniture & Appliance, ALDOT, the City of Mobile hundreds of yards of stormwater producing asphalt was removed and replaced with greenspace and ADA accessible sidewalk. The demonstration project was spearheaded by the Peninsula of Mobile.
Through a partnership with ALDOT and the City of Mobile, signage was added to Dauphin Island Parkway identifying the designated Crepe Myrtle Bike Trail, the southern leg of the Mobile Greenway.
Thanks to Dog River Clearwater Revival’s cooperation, signage designating the
the Dog River Scenic Blueway’s launch sites on Robinson Bayou and Perch Creek – both feeders to Dog River.
Through coordination with the City of Mobile’s Urban Forestry Department, trimming of the corridor’s signature Crepe Myrtle Trees has begun along with regularly trimming of curbs.